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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

F.I.M.S.T : Lecture 4 (Web Lesson)

 friends in this Lecture em gonna tell you to optimize images as SEO to Making your webpages 
more efficient and taken to the top searches of search engines .
Image Optimization plays an important role in SEO Managment it is one of the basicThing 
as a beginner learner you all friends need to know ! 

Positioning of images:
Image Optimization for Google

There are ways to optimize your image to come out in the first results for a given search. Optimizing these images is not as complicated as many think, the factors that influence the positioning of images are:

Filename: You have to put a name according to how you find your image. A name containing the keywords. For example, if you have a picture of a 1970 Pontiac GTO, Pudes not upload the photo with the name you put the camera default img1968.jpg have to raise it with the name Pontiac GTO-1970.jpg

The ALT attribute: Make sure you provide an adequate description of the photo with the ALT attribute. This attribute was intended for display in text browsers that do not bear the images (many years ago). Try not to use too much text. Focus on a text containing keywords that accurately describe the picture.

Title and text: The title gives you a better idea of what Google imagen.Al treated like the text surrounding the image.

Anchor Text (Text Link): When you link an image using the appropriate link text. It's like the anchor text you use for enlzar pages.

Google Image Labeler: Use Google Image Labeler this will help your images in scrambled the top of the search engines allowing others to categorize your pictures. It's a pretty fun tool. Simply enable the Google Image Labeler from Google Webmaster console.

These tips will get you a better position your pictures and therefore have more traffic to your web site.

Optimize Your Graphics for a Fast Loading Site

Heavy images cost you money and traffic.  They cost you money because they require both significant storage space and bandwidth.  Since your web host will usually give you a limited amount of storage space and a maximum data transfer allowance, heavy graphics can cause you to exceed those limits, in which case you’ll have to pay extra.

Then, heavy images cost you traffic: put up a web page that takes more than 10 seconds to load, and your visitors will run away faster than you can say “back button”.    If you happen to be running an e-commerce website, you already know that traffic equals money, so heavy graphics will make you lose both.

Fortunately, there is a solution: you can optimize your images for the web.  Your images should be in either .gif or .jpg formats (.gif works best for logos and navigation buttons, while .jpg works best for photographs.)    The idea is to reduce the size of your graphics so that they take as few bytes as possible while retaining acceptable quality
Another useful tip is to use thumbnails.  Thumbnails are miniature versions of a picture that are hyperlinked to its actual size version.  The thumbnail will load fast, and by clicking on it your visitors will be able to see the actual size version.

Also, it is very important to specify the width and the height of your images in your HTML code.  Since the text of your page usually loads faster, if you don't specify the width and the height of your images the browser will have to reposition the text once the pictures load, consuming more time.  If you take the time to specify the width and heigth of your images, the browser will lay out the text where it should go from the beginning, even before it loads the images, saving time.

Use all these techniques and you will have a faster loading website.

Hope Your Friends now got idea about Image Optimization How to Optimize Your Site Images 
as SEO.If You friends find any of point confusing from this lectures you friends can ask me anytime.


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