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XTorQ-I.T : XtorQ Informaton Technolgy Blog Created By  3x Team

Friday, February 11, 2011

F.I.M.S.T : Lecture 3 (Web Lesson)

Hy Friends,

 I have just been Posted My Friends Newsletters in which i have just been mailed you all
Some Important Notes Related to SEO Managment and Optimization .
So Now Lets Move Towards the Next Step Lecture No 3 in which i m gonna
tell you all about Keywords and Their Importance in SEO Work .

Keyword is the Short term which is used to explain in few words seprately related to
your website or any web content,so while placing the keywords you should must keep
one thing in our mind our keywords must be unique and those which are commonly used
in most searches then in this way you are able to get more Traffic to site not only this
in this way you are able to reach the top of search engines like e.g(Google,Ask,Bing etc)
but to achieve the Top ranking in search engines you need to be very careful because
if you are failed to set exellent keywords then it means you are not good Optimizer
to Achieve the your firstly try to findout More Effective and best Keywords for your
content remember keywords are mostly authentic to documents,articles,downloads(mp3,exe,pdfs)
One more important thing to keep in view is most of times video contents like on tube sites
these keywords are not more often useful .
Keywords has great importance in SEO Managment Work So Don't Forget to Place
keywords .

If You Find anything confusing in this Lecture you can ask me anytime or put your
questions in comments i shall try my best to Provide you quick response as soon as
possible for me !

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