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XTorQ I.T : Blog Created By 3x Team

XTorQ-I.T : XtorQ Informaton Technolgy Blog Created By  3x Team

Sunday, February 6, 2011

F.I.M.S.T : Lecture 1 (Overview)

Hi Friends,

 Now here i m gonna post the Lecture 1 About SEO Training and I.T Networking
Please make sure that you Read every thing carefully and incase is you find any problem
in understanding anything from this lecture friends you can contact me anytime or you can
put your problem here below in comments then i shall must provide you answer or explaination
according to your requirment .
S.E.O :
It is the Common Term Use for Search Engine Optimization along with our lecture i want to tell
you one thing that i am S.E.O of My Network so here em Gonna Teach you what S.E.O. do s and
and how S.E.O. Works which things should be kept in Mind whenever you are working as S.E.O
and how I.T Networking play an important Role in work of S.E.O how to get Interacted Exactly As
Search Engine Optimizer .
These are Some Basic Questions About Lecture These are So Simple and Basic Ones in Deed.
But Our Main Work Starts after Getting Knowledge about all these basic Things .
If Any of my friend is being Sucessful in Aquiring Knowledge about S.E.O then He or She can
be the Good S.E.O.
Lets See How S.E.O Works and What are Basic Requirements .....

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Written by :
( Sr. S.E.O &  Teacher )


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